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The SkinBase™ Facial microdermabrasion treatment uses a stream of non-allergenic crystals to remove your skin’s outermost layers of dead cells, using the handset to direct the stream of crystal over the treatment area and where necessary target specific zones. The handset then uses a mild suction to draw away the crystal and skin debris to reveal your new and improved complexion.

The SkinBase™ Facial is chemical free and non-invasive yet achieves amazing results revealing younger, healthier looking skin from the very first treatment. The skin’s appearance is further improved through increased collagen & elastin production as your body produces a new layer of skin.

Express microdermabrasion £30 - 30mins

(Cleanse, treatment and moisturiser).

Luxury microdermabrasion £57-50 mins

Skinbase double cleanse, microdermabrasion treatment, a nourishing masque and relaxing cooling massage with ice globes to help calm the skin.

LED Light Therapy £5 ( add on) 

LED light therapy uses different colours of light to target specific skin concerns, such as wrinkles, fine lines, acne, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. The therapy is performed by placing a device with LED lights over the face, which delivers the light energy into the skin.

Microdermabrasion: Services
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